Customer Details
Full Name | Phone Number | Location | Gender | |
Full Name | Phone Number | Location | Gender | |
dynasha ludviksen | 1 | | Afghanistan | Female |
sulin uibrig | 1 | | Afghanistan | Female |
cherica rimbach | 1 | | Afghanistan | Female |
cynethia balliett | 1 | | Afghanistan | Female |
Dream Reynolds | 1 | | Afghanistan | Female |
Testyheh | 54884546643 | | Albania | Male |
Company Details
Company Name | Job Role | Number of Staff | Select a Platform | Your Business Industry | Do you trade outside the UK? | Do you have any website design you like? (Place the link if you do) | Service Type | Hosting/Server (if you have one) |
Company Name | Job Role | Number of Staff | Select a Platform | Your Business Industry | Do you trade outside the UK? | Do you have any website design you like? (Place the link if you do) | Service Type | Hosting/Server (if you have one) |
dynasha ludviksen | dynasha ludviksen | 1 | WordPress | E-commerce | No | dynasha ludviksen | Website Creation | dynasha ludviksen |
sulin uibrig | sulin uibrig | 1 | WordPress | E-commerce | No | sulin uibrig | Website Creation | sulin uibrig |
cherica rimbach | cherica rimbach | 1 | WordPress | E-commerce | No | cherica rimbach | Website Creation | cherica rimbach |
cynethia balliett | cynethia balliett | 1 | WordPress | E-commerce | No | cynethia balliett | Website Creation | cynethia balliett |
Dream Reynolds | Dream Reynolds | 1 | WordPress | E-commerce | No | Dream Reynolds | Website Creation | Dream Reynolds |
Hshshs | Hshhs | 63 | WordPress | E-commerce | Yes | Website Creation |
Project Details
Budget Range In View (If Any) | Project Timeline | Additional Notes on Budget and Timeline |
Budget Range In View (If Any) | Project Timeline | Additional Notes on Budget and Timeline |
dynasha ludviksen | dynasha ludviksen | dynasha ludviksen |
sulin uibrig | sulin uibrig | sulin uibrig |
cherica rimbach | cherica rimbach | cherica rimbach |
cynethia balliett | cynethia balliett | cynethia balliett |
Dream Reynolds | Dream Reynolds | Dream Reynolds |
13/12/2023 |